Great suggestion! Recreate currently focuses on using SwiftUI purely for layout. We plan to get into animations and more in the future, that’ll just require a few more prerequisites so everyone can follow along.
I'd really love to see a recreation of one of the apps that has a list with alphabetical sections, with the alphabet in a bar on the right-hand side. Like Contacts or Music.
Maps app with continuous scrolling (start dismissing bottom sheet when scrollview is being dragged up and hits the top, without starting a new gesture once up)
Anything with more custom animation! Would love to see the sensor-tied iridescent Apple Pay Cash and credit cards in wallet recreated!
Great suggestion! Recreate currently focuses on using SwiftUI purely for layout. We plan to get into animations and more in the future, that’ll just require a few more prerequisites so everyone can follow along.
Nice suggestion!
Netflix promo videos - they work different to Instagram stories as they display the logos on and have clear CTAs
In the works
Building on the App Store home screen - article launch from tapping on a card
TickTOk , Instagram , Tinder matching animation
We recently recreated Instagram Home Screen. We plan to build upon it in the coming videos. You can find the recreate here -
I second the TikTok. Multiple AVPlayers with full screen paging would be great to see.
In no particular order...
• Stocks app
• Maps app
• Spotify (music player + playlists)
• Spotify Stations (cool scrolling up and down function)
• Nike Training (the workouts section is cool with tabs on the top)
• Uber
• Instagram
• TikTok (Cool scrolling up and down between full-screen content automatically.)
Finally, and not sure if you can build this in swift UI but would be SUPER cool, the Ping iOS App:
Apple TV App
Please make the Apple Notes App
I'd really love to see a recreation of one of the apps that has a list with alphabetical sections, with the alphabet in a bar on the right-hand side. Like Contacts or Music.
Multi-tenancy app like Slack or Discord.
The PencilKit toolbar - animating from one tool to full palette, flickable to different anchors on the screen.
I think it will be cool to recreate snapchat with button camera holding indefinitely for action I had try with no success
Camera app or anything that uses the camera and then stores the pictures taken.
Apple TV or Apple Books are interesting apps
The history tab in the Apple Watch activity app. The tabbed week component and calendar view are interesting ui elements!
Maps app with continuous scrolling (start dismissing bottom sheet when scrollview is being dragged up and hits the top, without starting a new gesture once up)